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QuasarSandwich1041 karma

Or if you name your son Fuckbubble Pussyface Faggotchops he's probably going to change his name and hate you forever.

QuasarSandwich103 karma

No, he is sad the traitor escaped before he could steam him to death or something equally adorable.

QuasarSandwich45 karma

Yep. It would be exactly like Interstellar. That film is pretty much a documentary, really.

QuasarSandwich44 karma

Just a heads-up: IIRC it's "bated", rather than "baited breath". Cheers!

QuasarSandwich23 karma

The only remotely unpleasant experience I ever had on shrooms was when a friend and I ate several large, potent fuckers each and then prior to going out watched a documentary on what was then the deadliest day in the history of climbing Everest. We never made it out, nor spoke for the next few hours; instead we pretty much hugged the furniture desperately and tried burrowing into it to escape the cold, heartless reality around us.

On the other hand whilst at uni I dropped acid and watched The Exorcist by myself and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.