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Qdr-9134 karma

I think it's more complicated than that in a state of civil war, assad has committed uncountable crimes and it is unrealistic to include him as a part of the political solution, there are millions who are suffering because of assad's using of indiscriminate weapons like barrel bombs and these people need justice and will keep fighting until they get it, so the war will continue until the eradication of one of the warring sides if assad refused to step down and this could be millions of other refugees, hundreds of thousands of casualties and wounded, but also there is no alternative to assad and the country could fall infinitely in chaos after the regime in grasps of warlords and extreme groups

what is the most dangerous and scaring about isis is that as long it is controlling an area, it is injecting its ideology in the people, they are controlling the schools, raising and teaching children on their depraved doctrine, but the syrians themselves in vast majority are against them. as an organization isis is short lived, they declared a war on the whole world and they whole world is fighting back, isis has no future but to be vanquished.

Qdr-9134 karma

ISIS members in a disguise of a refugees is something improbable as it easier for isis to recruit people living already in the west than to send people through the sea and all of complication, but you see a lot of ex-fighters got tired of the war and decided to quit and leave syria as refugees, so it is probable that an ex-isis-fighter or alqaeda fighter to be a refugee, I myself met people who left assad army and opposition groups and they are recognized refugee, ex-ISIS fighters or ex-alqaeda fighters won't tell about themselves.

most of the people that I encountered are sympathetic people and I met also people who wouldn't even say back hi because they know that I'm a refugee.

syria before the war was secular because the ruling party "Albaath" was secular as all of political activity was oppressed hardly, so you can say the harmony was forced in syria but this doesn't mean that the syrian people are not peaceful and harmonious, it means they didn't have the chance to express themselves politically.

I blame mostly syrians themselves for this war, after that every side and party who supported and pushed for violence, saudi arabia which is probably the most backwardish dictatorship in the world is the first country who's supporting "democracy" in syria, turkey for 2 years was loosening its control over the borders to let foreign fighters to go inside to support a "democratic project" in syria, and the west for its hypocrisy in the region, calling for democracy and advertising for violence in syria, and giving leverage and supporting the agendas of extreme regimes like saudi arabia in the region, of course russia and iran who never condemned a crime of assad and backing his regime regardless of its deeds.

Qdr-9124 karma

to fight for reconciliation ? or to fight with the regime ? or against everyone ? the only victory in at least our war is to end it, I lost hope that I can make an influence, and lost the hope that things well get better soon, that's why most of the people are running, from unreasonable war.

Qdr-9123 karma

it is not matter of will as it is a matter of circumstances, I'm not happy at all right now and I'm suffering psychologically because of loneliness, the language and the whole tiring and time consuming integration process. all of my family and friends are outside of syria right now dispersed over many countries, who remained there are an uncle and my grandmother. my city aleppo right now is in a dire state as it is most likely to be the most unlivable city on earth. I want to go back as soon as possible and I want everything to go back as it was before the war, but this seems right now unrealistic unfortunately, and I can't tell when I will see syria again.

Qdr-9123 karma

I'm a syrian refugee living in Austria. Life is not easy, and I'm struggling to keep pushing forward. Mr. Gates, you are an inspiration to millions of people as one of the most successful entrepreneurs the world has ever known. What would you advice a person facing hardship and difficulty in life ? I would take any words of encouragement from you as a great sign and will work on it