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PyroZach19 karma

I'm looking for a new(er) truck right now. Found one I like but they don't seem to want to give me a fair trade in. I looked at both KBB and edmunds. Suggested trade in on my suv is around 5k, private sale around 6,500 dealer retail around 7k. The truck I'm looking at has a trade in of around 7k, private around 9, and dealer around 10k

They're asking 10,800 on the truck and only want to give me 2,500 for the trade in. All my suv would need is a detail and maybe a muffler. It looks like he has A LOT of room for profit on this based on the numbers I found. Am I missing something? am I being swindled? or should I just give up on this trade in/truck and keep looking?

PyroZach15 karma

Jumping on with this. I've heard through hear-say that one of the major meat processing plants near me rotates people off the "kill floor" after a set amount of time for mental health reasons.

PyroZach8 karma

I've never heard that, but I would thin it has to be a head shot to work. The only deer I ever got was a dumb luck heart shot and it still ran 20-30 yards including up and embankment after being hit. I imagine the thing had a good bit of adrenaline going during those last few seconds.

PyroZach3 karma

We've used artificial tree's all my life. My girl friends family has always had real ones. This year they didn't get one, she was kind of upset. I stumbled upon this picture in another sub reddit and thought something like that would be the perfect last minute tree. But then I started wondering if any place would have them any just how ridiculously priced they would be. I wound up wandering the forest realizing how crappy wild pine trees are and finding her a sort of decent one and trimming it tree shaped.

But yeah, how much would some little novelty thing like on the back of this bike usually cost?

PyroZach3 karma

It's reliability, not coverage, or even speed for that matter. So you're lucky enough to be in an area with signal, you're 99% as likely to keep that signal as you would be with Verizon.