Highest Rated Comments

PvtFobbit331 karma

On a scale of one to ten, how much do you want to give me your jalapeƱo cheese spread?

PvtFobbit51 karma

Warm it up in the heater as well, squeeze that goo in your main course, and now you're eating gourmet.

PvtFobbit31 karma

My old fuzzy rat fucked our damn poke-bait in front of us. We were all passing around a 3lb bag of trail mix that one guy got from a care package, and he was just sitting there, munching on his own bag, slowly though, so we didn't think much of it. Well we finished that bag after a day and a half, and the next day we started up on the bag that fuck nuts had, and everything except for the raisins and dates were gone, because he "doesn't like the taste of them".

God I don't miss that kid, bitched about everything.

I only rat fuck vegetarian meals...

PvtFobbit29 karma

I shall gladly take these and add to my personal collection of body fat and my marathon legs. /u/MahanUSMCR, if you ever require, I shall give.

PvtFobbit19 karma

Teach me your ways...