Highest Rated Comments

Purplestripes8250 karma

Where there's money there's always a middleman

Purplestripes88 karma

Did you have to go through a number of 'crap' years in your industry before you could get to where you wanted to be? If so, could you detail, eg. How long was the period, what were the circumstances that made it bad, what is the "sweet spot" in terms of career, etc.

Purplestripes83 karma

I thought SD pricing would be way higher than regular escort work? If not, then why would anyone get into the SD business?

Purplestripes82 karma

Before starting out, did you conduct research into your potential work (and if so, what kind and how much)?

Did the demands of the job meet your expectations? Or was it easier / more difficult?

What was the most surprising thing you learned on the job?

Have you gained any skills you feel would translate well into other industries / job paths? Or anything that has improved your personal life?

Purplestripes81 karma

Thank you so much for your thoughtful answers! It's very interesting.