Highest Rated Comments

Public_Fucking_Media201 karma

Hahahahahaha this is the best

Public_Fucking_Media70 karma

Before I ask my question I just wanted to say that your story (and books) are a huge part of the reason why I have such a successful career in IT; I took a lot of inspiration from you as a young nerd and self-taught myself almost everything I know - thank you!

Having spent so many years running from the US government, lets turn that on its head... How would you advise the US government in detecting and preventing the sorts of large-scale disinformation campaigns that are coming out of Russia as of late? What more could they be doing, and what are they doing now that you think is ineffective?

Public_Fucking_Media29 karma

Malaysia is literally the only country in the world that still has racism enshrined in it's Constitution, giving special position to Malays in business, education, politics, etc.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_153_of_the_Constitution_of_Malaysia

Have ya'll done much on that issue? Seems like the social justice issue facing Malaysia, to be honest...

Public_Fucking_Media28 karma

Is this a US-based phenomenon, or does it have ties in Europe as well?

What is your favorite story you've covered outside of the hate report?

Public_Fucking_Media16 karma

What do members of Antifa think about the fake antifa accounts tied to Russia, such as @antifaboston ?