Highest Rated Comments

Prosopagnosiape104 karma

Wow. I bet you're gonna be offered a movie deal by the end of the week. (I'd go see it) Way to be.

Prosopagnosiape93 karma

That's terrible and hilarious. I can imagine them showing off the letter to visitors to the school.

"What's that?"

"That's a letter from the pen of the Robin Williams!"

"Wow! What'd he write to you about?"

"Oh, we expelled a student, spending too much time acting, you know, studies have to come first. Robin wanted us to take them back, 'support their education'."

"Did you?"


Prosopagnosiape93 karma

Ugh. Horribly true. Lately my body has been going 'hey, congrats on getting that eating disorder under control! Have gallons of blood!'

Prosopagnosiape53 karma

Have many people come in convinced the government is listening to their every word? If so, how have they taken being right?

Prosopagnosiape51 karma

What were things that caused you to almost walk out, then? How did you warn them of the consequences, and how did they react? Like, apologetic, embarrassed, grumbling and resentful, etc.