Highest Rated Comments

Professor_Retro39 karma

Any chance we'll be able to name our ships? Perhaps display the ship's name when you first beam aboard it, in the same way planet names are displayed when you first beam down to them?

Utterly pointless, but I think it'd be kinda neat.

Professor_Retro2 karma


Way back in your last AMA, I asked about the possibility of Elevators and moving platforms. Now that the big colonization update is out (and awesome, I might add) and we're one step closer to the "Vehicles" update, can you give us any more details about what we can expect from that update?

You needn't go into too much detail, maybe just share what you'd like to see or what your overall goals are in terms of vehicles / moving platforms. I can understand if you don't want to talk about things still in development given how the community behaves sometimes.

Professor_Retro1 karma

Do you feel Pop Music has recovered from the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (which was deregulation of radio station ownership, among other things) and Clear Channel gobbling up over a thousand radio stations (sometimes multiple stations in the same market) and forcing the entire nation to listen to what a bunch of guys from Texas thought was good? Any thoughts would be welcome!