Highest Rated Comments

Prof_Porkchopz_120 karma


Prof_Porkchopz_3 karma

It sounds to me like that explanation was just made up to cover that 'hole', though personally I thought it was that Han knew what a parsec was and just wanted to blind them with science.

Prof_Porkchopz_2 karma

Dude! Know I know kicks ass! And has gotten me at least one girlfriend. My question is what made you inspired to start writing the news letter?

Prof_Porkchopz_2 karma

He said in a different comment that he created the game before software royalties were invented.

Prof_Porkchopz_1 karma

you are a symbol of capitalism; i love it

do you have any insights for those looking to get into children's book writing?

I only ask because apparently I have to ask a question in a top-level comment.