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PrimeGen8 karma

How does one detect fast neutrons?

PrimeGen6 karma

You're not wrong, they're quite different. Speaking from a judo background and only a viewer of hapkido, hapkido is all about joint locks. Demonstrations will look more like they're throwing the opponent with their wrist or arm, but that's just the opponent going along with it so they don't break their arm.

To summarize that poorly written paragraph, hapkido in training makes your partner roll with your joint locks. Hapkido in emergency use breaks somebody's arm or wrist or shoulder or whatever, because the opponent doesn't know how to work with the defender.

PrimeGen2 karma

When you say "make rabies a thing of the past" do you mean on the level of Smallpox which doesn't exist anymore except in a few labs, or on the level of... something that exists but is almost never seen because people vaccinate for it?

Ninja edit: and how?

PrimeGen1 karma

So the game is D&D 5th Ed. Let's say two player characters snuck up on two enemies. A surprise round is triggered. Let's say both player characters choose to make an attack during the surprise round. Should the players roll attack dice first, or should they roll initiative even though the attack is happening right goddamn now?