Highest Rated Comments

Prestigious-Board-62389 karma

Did you reach out to Roaring Kitty/DFV at all for an interview in the movie? And did you have to get a thumbs up from him to use his clips in the movie?

Prestigious-Board-62101 karma

Thank you for the answer! I suspected as much. Hopefully you didn't call his mom like some people. Looking forward an interview with him in the sequel! Cheers!

Prestigious-Board-6257 karma

Here's something that can easily be proven. I was in WSB discord that day and there was a perfectly timed spam attack on the discord, the second the flash crash started, of bots spamming to sell and the phone number for the self-inflicted harm hotline for "the bagholders". Who was behind it? Who knows? But it happened and it definitely seems like foul play was afoot. Hoping to see something on it in the sequel for sure.