Highest Rated Comments

PraxisLD473 karma

I don’t have a question, but I applaud you both for taking a terrible situation and turning it into a way to help others.

Making a positive difference and helping other people in their time of need is a great way to honor Lily.

PraxisLD59 karma

I don't know about that . . .

PraxisLD16 karma

Nobody believes your lies, comrade...

PraxisLD12 karma

There are always those who are quick to claim that something just can't possibly be done.

They are usually best ignored by those who are actually out doing the thing...

PraxisLD4 karma

And you don't think that every single possibility was worked out in excruciating detail by the very engineers that are hosting this AMA, and hundreds of others? And vetted thoroughly by the safety crew and the lawyers before the first shovelful of dirt was turned?

You don't start a multi-billion dollar project like this without doing your homework to a level that far exceeds what the average redditor or youtuber has done.

So while TF might raise some interesting questions, what makes him more qualified than those who are actually working the problem on a daily basis?

Or is that, and my own extensive engineering experience, just too Tumblr for you?