Highest Rated Comments

Potzer10 karma

Awesome, thanks for the reply. People may knock you, but its undeniable you were instrumental in the popularization of ecigarettes and PVs in general.

Potzer10 karma

Have you ever tried one of the larger PV's? And if not, what do you think about the emerging culture of people who vape?

Potzer8 karma

Man this thing is blowing up!

When did you wanna start doing the comedy stuff? I think Q said on a TESD that you used to be a wallstreet guy. What changed? Also, how did the group dynamic change when Q joined the Tenderloins?

Potzer5 karma

I hear you here. This is a similar argument with gun control, video games, movie ratings, etc. Parents are supposed to raise their kids and teach them whats right, wrong, and moral. Parents should be able to keep kids away from these things without the force of a dictator who in-turn makes the kid interested in trying these things.

Plus, stores and companies should do more to keep this kind of stuff out of a kids hand. Not in terms of new laws, but in terms of actually upholding and following through with what exists now.

Potzer5 karma

Well you kick major butt at it. And its been said 100 times, aside from how funny you cats are, the show really show cases how cool you guys are.