Highest Rated Comments

Potatoe29249 karma

Visit us at /r/travel to post some of your pictures! Also, what was your favorite country to visit? Any you'd skip?

Potatoe2924 karma

I love departures! I've watched all of the episodes and I must say that you all have produced an amazing show. My favorite episode has to be Vietnam. Or Cambodia. Or any of them really. They're all fantastic. My question is: Are there any great moments or stories that didn't make the show? -A fan from California

Potatoe2922 karma

What do you do to help the patients through the experience? What is taking ayahuasca like?

Potatoe2922 karma

You guys should totally do the stans. It's a region of the world that seems more unknown than any other. I'm sure you guys would do it justice.

Potatoe2922 karma

Yes! I'm so excited! This is my favorite show and I'll be so glad to see it coming back.