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PostComa3 karma

My in-laws run a cattle CAFO. It's a couple thousand acres, a couple thousand head, and takes 2 people to run. Currently, the cattle is all just walking around freely through pastures, but the EPA regulations are about to change all that. They are going to be forced into a confined building, on asphault. Do you feel that over-regulation is leading to the increase in the mistreatment of animals? It would seem, in this case, that it does.

PostComa3 karma

Do you agree with me on this? People think I'm crazy because Shemp is my favorite stooge. I tell them to watch Shemp's first short, Fright Night, and tell me he wasn't one of the most brilliant comedians of all time.

PostComa2 karma

Subway used to cut their sandwiches with this funny V cut in the top of the bread. Do any customers still ask for their sandwich to be cut this way?

PostComa2 karma

It seems that a toaster is also doing an AMA and has over 1700 comments to Sven's 200. My question is: have you ever thought you'd be defeated by a toaster?

PostComa2 karma

Hi Rich, HUUUGE fan here in Columbus, Ohio. Any chance of Stooge-A-Palooza coming back?