Highest Rated Comments

Posaunne177 karma

He plays a more quiet character in Master of None, compared to his other characters anyways.

Posaunne48 karma

"Many" is pretty vague, can you give an actual number? Or at the very least an estimate?

Posaunne11 karma

Yup, noticed this immediately. I don't want strife with my gaming experience.

Posaunne7 karma

I would also chime in, that there is "little c" classical music (the span of all periods of western music) and "big c" Classical music (the specific Classical period, which is largely.. boring). There are so many genres of classical music, I'd say try to find a piece that you really enjoy, and then figure out what era/period it's from. From there, search out other pieces that were composed in the same era or are within the same genre. Mahler sounds completely and utterly different from Bach :P

Posaunne5 karma

Not really. Depositing your money in them is costing you interest you could be getting if it was kept elsewhere. You're still losing money on the miniscule chance you'll win something.