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PopeADopePope14 karma

Antifa, for a start

PopeADopePope8 karma

Your problem is you think you must hold both Nazis and antifa in the same regard. I never made any such claim, and neither did literally anyone else here, merely explained why antifa isn't actually anti-fascist

They both do crappy things, generally different crappy things. It's not crazy or hypocritical to be against both groups.

PopeADopePope5 karma

Google says your net worth is 450 million, is that accurate and why don't you help me pay off my debts with 30K of it?

I mean seriously, you can solve my income inequality issues right now

PopeADopePope4 karma

That's because you think antifa is against fascism.... While they wear masks and beat up people for expressing opinions they don't like. Which, ironically, is very fascist

It's like the how North Korea is officially "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", but is not Democratic in the slightest

It would be like the KKK renaming itself to "totally not racists".

PopeADopePope4 karma

How is it not?

What exactly do you think that picture is proof of?