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PoobearMcAwesomeflap21 karma

"Quadriplegia" just means all four limbs are affected, not necessarily that they are all totally paralysed.

edit: by "affected" I mean there is limited movement.

PoobearMcAwesomeflap9 karma

My boyfriend has albinism, and much prefers to be called 'an albino' than 'a person with albinism'. Everyone's different I guess :)

PoobearMcAwesomeflap5 karma

It's a gag from Arrested Development... Tobias Funke was the world's first "Analrapist".

PoobearMcAwesomeflap2 karma

Hehe, I've seen all of Arrested Development about nine million times (still getting through the fourth season), but have only seen a couple of episodes of Always Sunny... I should really get on it!

PoobearMcAwesomeflap2 karma

Haha, he lol'd when I told him this :)