Highest Rated Comments

Polymathy11285 karma

I work with someone who had his entire (I think) amygdala removed. He is a very smart guy, but his tolerance for BS is very low. Have you noticed a lower threshhold for frustration?

Also, have other things been affected, like forming memories?

When you think about a time when you were afraid in the past, what's that like? Can you remember the feeling?

Polymathy1549 karma

I was sure that said "stop screaming" and was very confused for a few seconds.

Polymathy191 karma

It's still legal to be a slave as punishment for a crime. Just to bang that drum a little here.

Polymathy160 karma

Oh, dude. This is probably SOP for quite a few "companies".

You know that one "casting couch" one? Where they tell them it's going to be a private video for the producers (yet we're watching it)? Uhhhh. Maybe that was acting.

Polymathy19 karma

I have ongoing intermittent hyposmia. About 90% of the time, I smell very little or nothing. Occasionally, I'll have a day where it's like someone turned up the volume on every smell by a magnitude of 10.

1) Is loss of smell for most people a reliable indicator that there is something going on, or is this an occasional coincidence?

2) What's the most likely cause of my situation? I don't have midline defects, but I do have major allergies and pituitary issues.