Highest Rated Comments

PokemonMaster61952 karma

Are there any games you want to play on Game Grumps, but haven't been able to for whatever reason?

PokemonMaster6199 karma

What's your favorite moment with Jim?

PokemonMaster6197 karma

First off, let me just say that as a 20 year old college student majoring in journalism, I'm extremely jealous, if not impressed, by your sons early success.

As for my question for your son, what does he pick as his starter Pokemon?

PokemonMaster6194 karma

Start him off with Generation 2, it's a good starting place.

PokemonMaster6193 karma

Huge fan Jon!

Have you ever considered doing 1-on-1 movie reviews with the fans to see if you can get another perspective on a certain movie?