Highest Rated Comments

PlatypusTickler112 karma


PlatypusTickler53 karma

Sorry it's a crappy photo, have to get to class soon.

PlatypusTickler36 karma

I have the Zen Chimp on my wall right now, it's awesome.

PlatypusTickler23 karma

Typically TV/film portrays them as a place you are constantly restrained. A film that shows a pretty good depiction of a teen unit is Short Term 12 with Bre Larson. Obviously some stuff is added for the drama, but the sitting in groups, joking around with the staff, having genuine conversations seems to be par for the course in teen/adolescent units. I used to work at a residential facility for kids and I always joked that I was paid to eat, watch movies, play sports, play video games, and go to the trampoline park.

PlatypusTickler18 karma

Counselor here. What is the best way to help a damaged scalp and to help hair regrowth with patients that experience trichotillomania?