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PlaceboJesus30 karma

The stiff neck/muscle spasms are a big part of my prodrome.
Sometimes, if I manage to knock the migraine out but still have neck tension, it will return.

Check your jaw tension. Do you clench your teeth?
That can can aggravate the neck.

Not long ago I read that sometimes neck tension/pain is caused or aggravated by the muscles in your chest, pulling your shoulders forward.

Include some chest/pectoral stretches in your neck and back stretches and see if that helps at all.

These things have helped me, somewhat, in avoiding the revenge of the migraine.

PlaceboJesus18 karma

It's been asked elsewhere, is the absence of hair everywhere? and someone responded that it's universalis.

However, the few pics I've come across of people with alopecia, I think they've all appeared to have eyelashes.
So I'm going to ask, because it's an AMA, is it everywhere? And does this include stupid stuff like nose hair too?
(If I can't ask this in an AMA, where can I ask it?)
I imagine a lack of eyebrows is annoying when a person is working up a sweat, and similarly, eyelashes and nose hair serve a purpose more so than most body hair.

Also, I'm curious how this affects dating and such. On the one hand, there are people who pay for hair removal (in painful ways), and on the other hand, some people may feel a bald head is too much. How do most potential partners seem to take it?
One thing reddit has taught me is that pretty much anything can be (and probably is) fetishized. Any experiences/observations with guys interested in you for those types of reasons?

PlaceboJesus9 karma

My general impression, from the Japanese international students I've met over the last 20 years, is that there's a lack of interest in most things traditional among the younger generations in Japan.

Things like shuji, cha no yu and go just aren't fashionable.

PlaceboJesus5 karma

Prety sure it costs more if you want your cheese fucked.

PlaceboJesus3 karma

Why would men seek therapy for cheating? Promiscuity is manly. /s