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PippiL656 karma

u/ShutUpWesl3y, as a previous manager, it’s really important to document as best you can first. Keep notes as you go along. Try to pin down approx times dates and locations and what the person actually said. If General Manager or other Company Manager offers no solution you contact your HR persons’ boss(could be a district entity-not sure of your corporate structure.) A lawyer won’t be able to help unless you have documentation. Good luck.

PippiL654 karma

u/CKnoxW, my mix Maine Coon will only eat dry cat food.
I’m going to have to break the news to him. He only hunts too but only when he thinks we’re hungry.

PippiL651 karma

u/ATLreporter, thank you response. That’s wonderful to hear. Without making this a TL;DR comment I’m gratified to know this. I’ve heard differently. I do know that it’s very difficult to do anything from an HR perspective. It becomes a he said/she said scenario. Where is the best place to go for a referral? And what should a potential client look for in a lawyer? What qualifiers?