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PierogiPal19 karma

How do you feel about refugees coming to your country? From what I've gathered from most Germans, they're tired of Turks and refugees sucking up their money in the form of welfare while supposedly contributing nothing to the country. Do you feel the same way?

PierogiPal11 karma

You've clearly got no idea about MacArthur's plans because he didn't want to use nuclear bombs, but nuclear waste and gasses along the border with China to poison the region in which they could counter attack.

PierogiPal4 karma

Not to discredit Dr. Bob here, but the war in the pacific was a completely different war than the one in Korea. Japan attacked us by surprise after all of the horrible shit they did in Korea and China, then fought like the devil in the pacific. They were a conventional military that used guerilla tactics in a way more effective than most modern insurgent groups. When's the last time you heard of a Korean/Chinaman in the Korean War sneaking into American lines, killing a soldier, then cutting off his hands, feet, head, dick, and balls and then putting everything on his chest with his sex organs in his mouth?

The worst thing I had heard of in Korea was a truck that the Chinese ambushed, then executed all the wounded by throwing them in a pile and bayoneting them all to conserve ammo.

PierogiPal3 karma

Were you at the Battle of Chosin Reservoir (or the surrounding actions at Yudam-Ni, Hagaru-Ri, etc.) and if so was it as crazy as all the stories say? The Korean War is something people need to learn more about. Thank you for your service.

PierogiPal3 karma

Current supervisor; I kept that traditional alive when I ran the reload.