Highest Rated Comments

PhoebeP742 karma

I just have to start off by saying in no way did I expect to be this into a show as I am with Orphan Black and the fandom but it has really changed my life in great, unexpected ways so thank you for that. :)

My question is, what was it that inspired you to make a show about clones and was it a decision to make it relate to things happening in the world here and now?

And I am wondering about this illness plaguing the clones and wonder if it was in any way inspired by Dolly the sheep and how she died because of lung disease?

PhoebeP76 karma

How do you feel about the reveal on OB in episode 3 of Art being in love with Beth? Did you feel like it was a good reveal or that it maybe explained more to the relationship that Beth and Art had before she died?

Also, I was wondering what your current favourite TV show is or what you're watching now? And thank you for watching Broad City because it got me to watch it and I /love/ it! :)

PhoebeP72 karma

What has been your favourite scene/episode to be aired so far?