Highest Rated Comments

PeterG9217 karma

CJ381 Recognising the nature of the female prison population, with high levels of mental illness, experience of being a victim of crimes such as sexual assault and domestic violence, and caring responsibilities for children, the only women who should be in custody are those very few that commit serious and violent crimes and who present a threat to the public.

CJ382 For the vast majority of women in the criminal justice system, solutions in the community are more appropriate. Community sentences must be designed to take account of women’s particular vulnerabilities and domestic and childcare commitments. The restrictions placed on sentencers around breaches of community orders must be made more flexible.

Do you not find that as a party that morally tries to represent all and believes that things should be more equal that this policy goes against that? Surely there are Male responsibilities for those that have children? Are they not as important. I do agree though that there should be a reform of the prison system in how we convict people and help them.

Secondly what are your thoughts on the Snoopers Charter and the rather backhanded way that Lords King, West, Blair and Carlisle have tried to sneak it through with amendments to other bills to try and force it through?

PeterG9216 karma

Are you not concerned that not replying and answering many questions in an AMA like this could cause some, especially younger voters who are more radical to not vote for you?

PeterG927 karma

Do you see the Spanish TV deal changing to give more money to clubs not called Barcelona or Madrid to give more parity to the league?

PeterG925 karma

Absolutely. It seems to be swinging the other way now. Can't we just have the middle ground?