Highest Rated Comments

PennyHammer748 karma

Ms Webber, thank you so much for talking with us today. Do you remember experiencing antisemitism when you were growing up, before the war broke out and Lvov was occupied?

Also, as a young-ish Jew I am scared for the day that all of the Holocaust survivors are gone and people start to forget the atrocities that happened. What do you want people today to know about the Holocaust that they might not learn elsewhere?

Thank you again for your time and for sharing your story with us.

PennyHammer61 karma

This is such a beautiful answer, and a beautiful sentiment. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

PennyHammer36 karma

What was your experience with the court system like? How did the attorneys and judges treat you? Did you feel as though they treated you like you were guilty before the verdict came down? How was the appellate process different?

PennyHammer14 karma

Fine work on this one, /u/chooter.

PennyHammer3 karma

She wasn't in a concentration camp. After her immediate family members were murdered (father and brother) and died of disease (mother), she was hidden by a friend of her Aunt named Edek in an underground bunker. Read her amazing story here: https://www.edek.film/janine