Highest Rated Comments

PeanutCheeseBar35 karma

I know there are a lot of negative comments on here about Ajit Pai (and the two of you obviously disagree on Net Neutrality), but how is it working with him aside from this issue and what is his demeanor in your professional interactions?

PeanutCheeseBar11 karma

Not here to ask you anything, just wanted to tell you what a vile, evil person you are.

PeanutCheeseBar1 karma

Asteroid B-612 never harmed anyone; why single them out for a name?

PeanutCheeseBar1 karma

Stumbled upon this while on a work break and definitely disappointed that I missed out!

I absolutely love the album cover choices you've done for New Order, with "Power, Corruption and Lies" and "The Perfect Kiss" being some personal favorites.

Was there a particular influential logo or design you saw that solidified your desire to enter art and design?