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PeaceOfMynd29 karma

There are very strong beliefs against/about proselytizing.
This in part is due to the the religions roots in a shared ethno-cultural background. Judaism is very much a culture in itself, that is based on a shared history that converts would not have shared.

If someone were to walk into a temple and tell the rabbi they want to convert, the first thing the rabbi would do is question them on why before insisting that it is a long and difficult process and that they take time to reconsider.

Edit for clarity. There are factions or groups in every religion that do not believe precisely the same thing. The Chabad actively try and promote their brand of judaism to others. Similarly, religion is not static. Things change with time. *see comment about the Hasmoneon Empire. Very few things in life are universal, especially in regards to religion and faith which are very personal experiences.

PeaceOfMynd26 karma

Excuse me. That's Mr. HUGE Veiny Cock to you Sir.

PeaceOfMynd11 karma

Are you vitamin d deficient?

PeaceOfMynd8 karma

He took off his gown and slipped through a door opened to let a cleaning cart through. He then ran to the beach and jumped in the ocean....and was caught and returned later that night.... Source

PeaceOfMynd4 karma

15 minutes a day of sunlight if I recall. Most americans are mildly Vit. D deficient.

I've heard that the lack of pigment would actually improve synthesis of Vitamin D but that an avoidance of sunlight can counteract that.