Highest Rated Comments

Pawys11112 karma

G,day from a more direct action type. Posted the video to the first announcement about it but it got ignored.

I just hope all this money and time into social networking and research will get to the fishermen who will wipe out this species faster than you can tag them.

But some how i doubt a fisherman in HK will look at your facebook and give up his career.

Been working hard with the line up of Chinese new year issue and fin now going work on the oil issue..

One battle at a time.

Pawys11111 karma

My fitness advice to my customers is go find something you enjoy doing and go do it.!! Go for a swim with the kids. Go for that bike ride. Play a few games of football with mates.

Pawys11111 karma

How much of your income goes towards admin.

Pawys11111 karma

Are you the same as most military personnel i know and only know about one engine, put you onto another chopper you got no idea.?

Pawys11111 karma

QSR Industry guy here, hows your drive thru times.? Have you got Digital menu,s yet.?