Highest Rated Comments

Patricia_Cornwell9 karma

I put butter on pizza. Please don't tell anyone.

Patricia_Cornwell8 karma

Being poor. For one very good reason. I am able to help people and animals -- and if I ever lost that ability, it would break my heart. I grew up with very little, and I think I will always worry I might wake up one day and be that same rather powerless little girl.

Patricia_Cornwell7 karma

Hello Aye!

Patricia_Cornwell6 karma

I think a lot of people relate to Scarpetta and would enjoy having dinner with her.

I agree about Marino and love all of your suggestions for casting. Will pass them on to the studio.

See you at Rao's at course -- if you can get a reservation. Hard to get in.

Patricia_Cornwell5 karma

Nothing we could ever find now would be enough for court in contemporary times. But what I have discovered is enough to get him questioned and possibly in trouble for -- at the very least -- writing confessional and threatening letters to the police and the press.

I know from studying Sickert that he either sketched what he saw and then later painted it, or in later life he painted from photographs. That was his method.