Highest Rated Comments

PasteGuy115 karma

Well, yes, but they're just recommending the brand they know the best. In most cases there's no meaningful difference in toothpaste formulas. There are instances where we sell one formulation with multiple names/packaging. It's just a marketing game.

PasteGuy87 karma

Sure, it's a thing. We'll put the exact same formula of toothpaste into a variety of different packaging with slightly different names.

Toothpaste companies will even take their exact formulas and fill them into store-brand tubes. People assume these are lower quality or using cheaper ingredients, but they're the exact same stuff. Lots of industries do this.

PasteGuy78 karma

It looks something like this on the inside. Each color paste is coming from a different source in the plant, and they meet at a nozzle that is carefully designed to shoot the paste into the tube in the right ratio/angles to give this finished look.

PasteGuy72 karma

I've worked at both UK and US factories, currently in UK, so naturally, everyone has bad breath. We probably have one of the best smelling manufacturing sites on the planet though.

PasteGuy49 karma

The only dangerous ingredient is fluoride. There's probably enough in that jar to get someone pretty sick. Can't say we've tested that. The general assumption is you'll only swallow about 10% of what you brush with, 3x a day.