Highest Rated Comments

Parrallax91122 karma

Hey Jason, what was your favorite movie to work on and why was it Scott Pilgrim?

Parrallax9125 karma

I'm glad that the eye test checked out and I was right about everyone looking like they were having a great time making that movie.

Parrallax9120 karma

Joe, the C & C series was my favorite series and I've been playing it since I was 6 (I'm 25 now for reference.). How much did you like how the series wrapped up? Also, is there a definitive collection between the tiberirum and red alert universes?

Parrallax916 karma

I think he means like a Murican based nature preserve.

Parrallax916 karma

Hahahaha, thank you. Best AMA response ever. Nope, productive member of society checking in. No prison or heroin on my record. Sorry, I typed this on my iphone, I meant connection. Kane popping up in Red Alert 1 happened and was never mentioned again.