Highest Rated Comments

Pariel25 karma

Thank you for your service. In addition I will definitely read your book.

What set apart the good officers from the bad in your experience? What did the good ones do that earned your trust?

Pariel25 karma

You traveled around the world for 4 years for $10k?

How is that possible?

Pariel8 karma

How does this differ from simply increasing the size of the higher education tax credit? Just making loan repayment eligible instead?

Pariel3 karma

"Stand your ground" laws vary from state to state, but usually it refers to a law which does not require you to retreat before using deadly force.

Florida's stand your ground law was not invoked at any point in Zimmerman's defense (in part because it didn't need to be - the law in Florida says that the police must prove that the citizen had another course of action when a shooting takes places). Zimmerman was on the ground when he fired the shots (underneath Trayvon), and therefore had no way to retreat.

Pariel1 karma

This response is underrated.

Thanks for the interesting AMA, I wouldn't have guessed you were 17 until you said so. Guess you learn fast on a farm.