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Pamela59306 karma

What about people with ptsd and anxiety isn't this just making it worse that it really is ??? How do we cope with all the panic around us ? ?? As human beings everyone needs human interaction dont we even if we dont go out much or dont have family or friends we as a human race we all need human contact and that's bring taken away . Do u think this is going to make things worse for people that have anxiety, ptsd, depression or mental disorders ??? How do we as a society cope with the loss that we feel ? Can u help ??

Pamela59302 karma

Sorry . I thought it was American. Love canadians though . Hope y'all get what y'all deserve as well as us .

Pamela59301 karma

No Problem . Will do . Lol

Pamela59300 karma

I have a question with the stimulus package . Will people on disability payments direct deposit who hasn't filled a tax return in a couple years , will they receive the money or not receive it ?

Pamela5930-2 karma

I have read multiple things on Google that stated that we will get it . And also will get the max on person n children as well . I think they are fighting for us to revive this as well. The appa is trying to make sure that all people with disabilities not be left out including veterans, disabilly , and ssi people receiving these . I hope that maybe u will take a look and see if I am correct on this . Not to mention that u are wrong I am sure that u know it facts but u need to make sure of this information before giving it out . I dont think people who are less fortunate than others and have disability should be left out period. Its is unfairly not to give it to us as well . Since our income is so much lower than anyone else . Period. Please check and make sure of these facts . I am wery of reading this . It is crazy to think just because people are disabled will not receive this . Let's see if anyone can live on a thousand a month or less . We have to pay higher medical premiums with that as well . I'm sorry I dont work but we do deserve this . Someone needs to let @DonalldTrumpUSAPresident that we need this money just as much as others . My son is out of school and everything . Our world is collapsing around us . If we can't get it it would be unfair and ridiculous. Thank u not upset with u in general but u must understand my concern. That people such as myself shouldn't be left out because I am disabled . I have PTSD like many disabled Verterms and we need the money more than most . Again sorry not towards u I hope u understand but someone need to tall to the MAN in charge . I know the Senate people make over 100 thousand a year . Try living on 12 thousand a year . Not good in my book . Plus the health concern is greater for people who are at greater risk such as myself with all of my other health issues at hand . Where do I and others like myself go for help without money for dr. Drugs etc. Thsi needs to be an area of concern for all Americans with disabilly, our Verterns and older gen drawing ssi payments .