Highest Rated Comments

Pallas_67 karma

I'm going to list off a few of your policies and ayou your opinions on them.

MG204 Communities and regions should have the right to restrict inward migration when one or more of the following conditions are satisfied: b)The recipient area is owned or controlled by indigenous peoples (eg Australian aboriginal people) whose traditional lifestyle would be adversely affected by in-comers;

Does this apply to indigenous Brits?

MG300 We will work to achieve greater equity between the UK and non-Western countries. In step with this, we will progressively reduce UK immigration controls.

MG405 Migrants illegally in the UK for over five years will be allowed to remain unless they pose a serious danger to public safety.

MG205 Migration policies should not discriminate directly on grounds of race, colour, religion, political belief, disability, sex or sexual orientation. Preference should not be given to those with resources or desirable skills.

Your immigration policy doesn't favour people with desirable skills. And then, after all this talk of less immigration control, you say:

PP103 There is a need to explicitly consider population since, if it is ignored indefinitely, the risk of over-consumption of natural resources will increase, leading to conflict and ultimately a reduction in carrying capacity.

PP104 There are many causes of population growth and some of these must be addressed to avoid overpopulation. Causes may be as basic as a lack of family planning information and contraceptives. Inequality and lack of opportunities can result in people having more children than they would otherwise want. On a wider scale, it has been observed that populations often increase following wars, social strife and environmental disasters.

Why does the policy seem so inconsistent?

Pallas_12 karma

I have dozens of questions to ask, but here are my top 8;

Do you like the TV show Sharpe?

What made you join the Labour Party, can Labour really claim to be a party for the people when you don't address peoples main concerns e.g. Immigration, the Deficit?

What are your views on what happened in Rotherham, do you feel your party could have done more to stop the abuse if they weren't scared of being called racist?

Why is your party not committed to offering a referendum on the EU? Do you not want to give the British people a say on issues that affect them?

Are you uncomfortable with the amount of votes you are losing to UKIP?

Do you feel as if your party has betrayed you by not giving you a marginal seat, or even a winnable seat to run for?

What is the hardest thing you've ever been through in life? What struggles have you faced in particular?

What are your views on Enoch Powell?

Pallas_10 karma

I see on your policy site you are proposing things like an 8% per year fuel duty escalator which would cause huge increases in the cost of just about everything, especially food, and the poorest families re going to be hit. Why do you tend to prioritise ideology over practicality and equality?

Pallas_7 karma

Sharpe or Hornblower?

Describe your perfect sunday.