Highest Rated Comments

PMmeifyourepooping24 karma

Your CAT is 23 years old?!?! That’s insanely old I wouldn’t put my cat under if he was over like 16 have you had him since kittenhood? I’m sorry to hear about his health I hope he doesnokay :[

PMmeifyourepooping13 karma

decent enough payout


PMmeifyourepooping8 karma

Not OP but:

I’m so sorry to hear about your little guy :[ my mom had to put down her pup and the vet let her be there. If your vet says no I would make sure that’s unanimous. I’d hate to find out I put my dog down without me and then learn someone else would have let me be there. I hope it works out for you, and from lots of experience throughout my life, they handle it great. It’s like taking them to your friend’s house and getting them stoned and you can hold them and make sure their last moments are just like the best ones they had at home with you telling them you love them and petting their face. But it’s hard and it sucks so definitely take the day off and let yourself have some time to just dedicatedly be sad.

PMmeifyourepooping5 karma

Loved the idea above (it wasn’t in response to you) of a sriracha-esque twist top!

PMmeifyourepooping4 karma

My best friend (F 40s) has such a big heart. She lets these men into her life who just destroy her in a matter of weeks. How can I help someone who self-sabotages, and everyone else can see it, but also encourage her and be there for her without ‘I told you so’ type discussions?