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26 year old with 3 years of med surg experience here, how much will I hate working in the ER? The idea is so intimidating I'm not sure if I'm willing to gamble the transition.

Tl;DR what are the functional differences that you didnt think of until you started working there?


Ez, hold the polls at pokestops and drop lures.


So was this was bacterial or viral?

I've helped treat many younger people in missouri for this same issue but most of my cases have been bacterial, usually from dirty IV use (meth) or occasionally a tooth abcess. Do you have problems with either of these?

You seem like your relatively new to anything medical, I guess the easy way to know if its Bacterial is do you require an extended period of antibiotics?

Pretty jelous of your healthcare right now, if you were in the states, you would be financially ruined for the better part of the decade.