Highest Rated Comments

PM_NUDES_4_DOG_PICS242 karma

Have you experienced any ridicule or bullying because of your albinism? How do you feel about it personally, does it make you self-conscious at all?

PM_NUDES_4_DOG_PICS102 karma

Fucking roasted.


But see, you're looking at those examples with the benefit of hindsight. Whereas the goal of having such equipment is to be prepared for these hypotheticals and be ahead of the game for when/if they happen. Of course if law enforcement knew when and how these threats would appear they could just requisition them from the military. But that's not reality so hence why it's beneficial to have them available for when they might be needed. And regarding small town America, active shooter situations are very possible in small towns too, as are terrorist attacks though perhaps to a lesser degree.

Edit: Words.


By protecting people responding to those incidents. In the Boston Bombing for example, at the time it was quite possible there were other IEDs that could have been detonated with the intent to kill first responders. In any shooting, an MRAP provides solid cover for responding officers to use rather than being out in, say for example, an empty parking lot with no cover.


Not an LEO but was in the military and worked closely with a lot of them. They need them for counter-terrorism operations and active shooter threats mostly. Pretty much any situation that warrants a SWAT type response that involves bullets flying or bomb threats.

Examples of this kind of situation might would include the Boston Bombing, the Vegas shooting, and other similar scenarios.