Highest Rated Comments


What were you charged with?

What level prison did you go to?

Did you have support from the outside while you were in?

Did you cooperate? If not, what was the deal offered if you did?

Public defender or did you get a paid attorney? How were they?

What drugs were you muling?

What are your plans now?


You should consider going on one of those prison YouTube shows if you're okay being on camera


All have some flaws but here you go.

Fresh out can be great, tendency to be mostly tough guy stuff though. Did some fantastic interviews with people who did federal time though

Old after prison show is pretty entertaining, probably the one with the most comedy involved

DOC813TV is good, mostly Florida state people so a lot of petty drug stuff

Wes Watson has some great stories but his delivery is too over the top, I would watch his interviews on other channels first

Matt Cox is the best IMO, start with his story because it's crazy