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lol, sure. One woman who had the same disease I have have me a high four at a theater. That was pretty cool.


Climbing across monkey bars. When I was really little I used to say that's the only thing I had trouble with when people asked, lol. In all honesty, though, I've pretty much adapted (not really, I was born like this) to do any kind of tasks. For example, my bed used to be a loft bed, so you'd have a ladder to get to the top. I couldn't really use my left hand, and I used to like to bring a glass of water into bed. So, I learned how to climb a ladder using my chin. I can do it pretty fast!


1) I enjoy playing video games like any kid my age. I also love making Youtube videos and editing, although I try to go above and beyond. Instead of making gaming videos like a lot of kids, I try to make videos that are actually good. I've been working a bit more with particle effects and 3D graphics, like Element 3D and Blender.

2) I know it sounds cliche, but I want to be a Youtuber when I get older. I wanted to be a filmmaker, but honestly I'm not very good at putting together a compelling narrative, and It's much more fun for me to make parodies of things, as well as short films. I know it's all luck, but that's really what I want to be.

Thank you so much for the kind words. :)


I have limited movement, but since it's been this way my whole life, I've gotten used to it. I can move the arm itself completely normally, but I can barely move my fingers, although I can move them a bit more if they're on some kind of surface (like a game controller for example).

As for my arm being shorter, it doesn't usually affect my day-to-day life, although there are a few things I can't do very comfortably.

I was born without a thumb, so the doctors basically twisted one of my fingers into a thumb. This has made it almost impossible to move by itself, unless, like I mentioned before, it's on some kind of surface.


I am the 400th reincarnation of Kenny.