Highest Rated Comments

Oztravels163 karma

Are you investigating any alternate treatments? Also in no way I’m I downplaying what you are going through but thought I would offer some light. My wife was given 6 months to live because of a metastasised melanoma in her lymph glands. That was 28 years ago. She then had a brain tumour (again melanoma) which was operated on 25 years ago and she was then given 3 months to live, if she survived the operation, which they said was very unlikely. She’s sitting here snuggling with me as we speak.

Oztravels6 karma

Is it true lotteries were invented to catch time travellers?

Oztravels2 karma

What’s your favourite Portuguese dish? (Hello from Arcos de Valdevez)

Oztravels1 karma

I’m maybe too late to this AMA and this really resonates with me. I have had enormous relief by micro-dosing Psilocybin. Do you have any thoughts on this?

Oztravels1 karma

What are your thoughts on the show the good doctor?