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Ozblotto58 karma

Belgium originally stalled and have now passed proposals for a 5G network, due to health concerns. Was this stalling warranted in any way? Is there any evidence to suggest health risks exist?

Ozblotto4 karma

It's pretty clear I'm asking about health risks, not what a bunch of loud antivaxxers on Facebook think.

Ozblotto4 karma

Hi Dr Sapolsky,

Thank you for your incredible work over your incredible career.

One of your Youtube lectures on depression focused on how certain individuals vulnerability to depression can be explained by a genotype which makes emotional disturbances more difficult to recover from, and how the prevalence of this genotype is closely aligned to the prevalence of treatment-resistant depression.

Given this lecture was ~20 years ago, could you provide your thoughts on the current biopsychosocial model?

Ozblotto2 karma

Is there a specific name for your condition? Do your specialists know or claim to know the origins of the condition?