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OwenVersteeg27 karma


OwenVersteeg20 karma

It's extremely difficult to genetically modify eukaryotes, and it would be impossible to change an animal's size to that extent using current genetic modification techniques.

Source: PhD in Joke Killing.

OwenVersteeg18 karma

How many Dogecoin do you personally have? What have you heard about Dogecoin in relation to Jamaica's Olympic bobsled team this year?

+/u/dogetipbot 500 doge

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OwenVersteeg17 karma

This makes sense - he's a member of the VT House of Representatives. He represents less than 4000 people - and a small fraction of those would even bother voting for a state representative (hell, only half of the voting population voted in the Presidential election.) I'm guessing there are around 100-150 people that consciously voted for him instead of "oh, I'm just circling the democrat" and those people did so because he knows them personally.

This is waay different than in a big (or even normal) state, like California, where each representative represents ~465,000 people. Hell, the average district in California is about as big as the entire state of Vermont.

OwenVersteeg7 karma

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