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OverPaidChimp11 karma

I'm not in a creative mood so here is something you commented earlier:

I think the largest note I ever held was a 100 trillion dollar note which was one of last ones produced before the Zimbabwean currency was formally done away with. By that point, however, the currency had been re-valued five or six times (when the numbers got too big to deal with the govt chopped all the zeroes off and started again with a new round of notes). So without the re-valuation that 100 trillion dollar note would have had another 27 zeros on it. As for the black-market, it paid a major role in everyday purchases especially towards the end when inflation really went crazy. "Rand shops" started popping up that only dealt in foreign currencies (mostly the South African Rand). These typically operated out of someone's back yard. Operating only in foreign currencies was illegal until the Zim dollar officially collapsed

OverPaidChimp8 karma

I came here for the same question. Any chance OP could record his voice to settle our curiosity?