Outliver5 karma2019-10-29 19:20:31 UTC
I'm excited to see this :)
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Outliver4 karma2019-10-29 17:29:33 UTC
and will we be able to select other factions to be able to build stations in our sectors?
Outliver4 karma2020-08-29 19:30:28 UTC
maybe another research branch could yield higher chances for the mods?
Outliver3 karma2020-08-29 19:25:51 UTC
the idea with the suit is nice. But look at Boso Ta, I don't think, they can even walk.
Outliver2 karma2020-08-29 19:28:11 UTC
also, "recall subordinates" would be nice
Outliver5 karma
I'm excited to see this :)
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