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Oscarius31 karma

Hey, I have been having very similar problems over the last year that have come and go. When the thoughts are there I become very depressed and believe I have no future. I don't want to have children or get in a relationship because I have horrible thoughts that I could harm someone. Then for a week or so I will feel totally normal again and be driven to follow my aspirations such as music. I want to live life. I believe that this is the only one I have, I don't want to rely on drugs or treatment. So far I haven't received either and I go through these bipolaresque transitions frequently. What I really want to know, Is there any way I can live a normal happy life without getting major surgical treatment or being addicted to drugs that change my personality? Also I started smoking weed around a year ago which sort of coincides with the problems. I only smoke about two or three times a month on average. Do you think that this could be causing or contributing to my problems. So far talking to my mum about it has been the best therapy.

Oscarius31 karma

Ok, I have a day free tomorrow so I will go to the doctor at my uni. Thanks for the AMA btw because I know how horrible obsessive thinking is and it's good to know I'm not alone. It takes a lot of courage to talk about thoughts like these.