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OscarWilde1854277 karma

Jesus... imagine Melania even trying to say that... Even if you didn't like Barack as a president, you have to admit the first lady was a fucking champ. Definitely in the top category for FLs in US history.

Edit: lol why do I always mix up Ivanka and Melania's names? (Corrected)

OscarWilde1854169 karma

Could you start a nuclear war just by whistling into a payphone?

OscarWilde185414 karma

high schooler looking to go into penetration

-_- Wear a condom.

OscarWilde18549 karma

ELI5: Starting with Latency it's basically the amount of time it takes for person A's "Message" to reach person B and then back to person A. Imagine throwing a paper airplane to a friend and then have them throw it back. The full trip time is latency. (Say 2 seconds)

Lag then is kind of like your friend holding onto the plane for a second. In your head you thought "okay, I threw it, and now he'll be throwing it back so it should be getting to me riiiiight now". (But then it doesn't...) It's how you experience the latency. It's not always the person B causing the problems... it could be "wind" along the route, or any number of other factors. But essentially it's your expectation of the time it should take and how it differs from the real time it takes. (So say you think it takes 1 second to get to your friend and 1 second to get back, but he holds it for 1 second. Now the total trip time is 3 seconds but in your mind, you were only expecting it to take 2 seconds. That extra 1 second would be perceived as lag from your end.)

Jitter is inconsistency in your friend throwing it back (latency). So one time he throws it back right away, one time he waits a second, one time he throws it really fast, one time he lofts it way up high, etc. (So sticking with the times from before it would be like 1 trip taking 2 seconds, then 3 seconds, then 1.5 seconds, then 10 seconds, then 2 seconds, etc. It's inconsistency).

Before I get my head torn off by a fellow programmer I'd just like to remind everyone that this is an Explain Like I'm Five answer... it's obviously over-simplified but that's what /u/sheto asked for. Hope it helps!

OscarWilde18543 karma

make an effort to understand what he is saying

I mean... that is what he's trying to do... he just wants someone to explain it simply. Should he do some deeper research? Absolutely! But there's nothing wrong with asking for a simplified explanation to get started on a complex topic!