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Original_Six34 karma

Lynne here - Among Chris Rock's most brilliant comments on the Oscar telecast: "When your gramma is swinging from a tree, don't worry about who won best cinematographer.... etc." The UN Commission should be concerned with saving women's lives, ending honor killings, female mutilation and voting rights. AND ... 50/50 by 2020 is Science Fiction.

Original_Six3 karma

Joelle here. There were a combination of reasons. First, the DGA lawsuit was dismissed on a technicality. Between 1985-1995 the statistics soared. The attention to the issue dissolved because people thought it was solved. Unfortunately between 1995-2005 people realized the problem was not solved because the statistics flat lined. Around 2007 the DGA began its diversity task force which still hasn't solved the problem. So here we are-21 years later... no change.

Original_Six1 karma

Joelle here. This question seems to contain its own answer.

Original_Six0 karma

Victoria here: I do believe comedy is a lively way to show how absurd certain stereotypes and accepted cultural practices are. It's no coincidence that there are now several women who either have their own show, host Awards shows, star in movies-- all strong, mouthy women who are wildly talented and hilarious.

Original_Six0 karma

These are two different questions. Re: retribution. Victoria says: I was never punished for my activism, in fact, it made me stronger.
Nell: Not that I know of. Lynn: My regret is that the lawsuit was never tried in court so we couldn't go for 'goals and timetables'. Joelle: Yes, I was told by one of (liberal) Norman Lear's show runner that I would never work for their company.)