Highest Rated Comments

Orc_666 karma

So real life but with planes?

Somebody get Todd a plane.

Orc_12 karma

It's so naive how some americans believe they will get some perfect gun control law and then BOOM no mor gun violence or shootings

It will take decades for any gun control measure to take effect because mass non-compliance and other issues. America isn't Aus or UK.

The problem needs to be tackled VIA ALL FRONTS

At this point it's not just naive but kinda disgusting how some of you only want gun control and deny any other solution, it's harmful.

Orc_11 karma

In layman's term, you can copy the card and encode a blank card with its information, but its still missing a key component of the masterkey and wont work.

Orc_11 karma

There is no evidence that ruminants produce more methane than dying grass.

Unless such evidence is presented I will ignore every study.

Because you see, studies about cattle methane take 100% of the methane into account, why? Becuase they don't know how much methane is released by dying plant matter.

This makes all of these studies flawed, by making it look like cows are producing 100% of the methane.

What makes ruminants unsutainable in the United States is the amount of space they take, the US simply cannot feed it's meat hunger with grass-fed animals, there's simply too much people, Australia however, can, as they have vast amount of land and less than 50 million people.

Orc_7 karma

That's not an apocalypse survival kit it's a bail-out-bag for emergencies, you can't survive an apoclaypse with a freaggin bag with like 3 days of food...